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Many individuals seem to dwell on the negatives that life presents to them. It is very easy to do with the amount of pressures an individual receives. However, those who can focus on the positive aspects or even have hope of a better life seem to be more happy and are more driven to better themselves. Luckily, this ability to focus on these things is more accessible than ever. Through entertainment such as movies, YouTube videos, or literature individuals are able to escape from the situation of life they are currently in and imagine themselves being whomever it may be that they aspire. This imagination allows one to work towards achieving whatever one wants with their life. However, one should not aspire to be exactly like anyone because everyone comes from and has experienced many different situations which makes everyone’s journey unique.

In the blog post, I Once Was Miss America, by Roxane Gay it is shown the by reading literature Roxane Gay was able to escape the situation of being repeatedly disrespected and not necessarily popular in her school. This literature helped her imagine being with the popular kids and having friends to share her secrets and who she was crushing on. Also within the post Roxane Gay expressed how she had looked up to Vanessa Williams, who was the first African American to become Miss America. Williams gave Roxane a dream, a dream to become like her. Even though Roxane Gay never became Miss America she has still had the ability to be successful and become happy with her life because of her imagination and desire to better herself.


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My name is Austin. I'm from a small town in Ohio and I am currently studying at Florida State University.

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