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Blog Post 2

Every time I begin writing I seem to stare at the computer screen or paper for what seems like an eternity just waiting for the perfect words to write themselves. As finally I begin my first paragraph of the writing I feel confident about what I’m writing and finish that first paragraph with ease. However, as I reread the paragraph I think to myself how terrible it sounds and decide to just delete the whole thing. This theme seems to be repeated more than once. Once I feel confident enough to continue with my writing I realize that I have many doubts about what I have written so far and begin to think of different possible ideas for my writing. The only problem is that I have already finished half of the writing. So, needless to say, when it comes to starting my writings I struggle. This is because I want that perfect writing on the first attempt. While reading Shitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott I realized that beginning a writing should not be as difficult as I seem to make it. With her approach I believe it would a great way to just get my thoughts down on paper. Following this I could organize what seems to be relevant and what does not quite fit within my writing. This would help me create a more structured and thought out writing. Anne Lamott’s approach to first drafts seems to be simple and not as stressful as it usually seems to write a first draft. This will definitely be an approach that I put into action in the near future.


This website is where I make all my post for ENC 2135

My name is Austin. I'm from a small town in Ohio and I am currently studying at Florida State University.

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