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Blog Post 9

It is quite exciting to say that we are the downhill part of Summer C. However, that does not mean that we are not done with our work. For ENC 2135 there is still a final project to create. For the final project we will be creating a multigenre project. This will involve topics that relate to project 2 and creating three different genres for the work. Initially, reading that I would be creating a multgenre project I was a little overwhelmed. Luckily, after reading through the BBG it helped me narrow down the design of project 3. The section that was the most help to me is titled, The Steps to Assembling A Multigenre Project. The first step of assembling this project is introducing the “topic, scope, and what sparked the interest for my topic.” (Braziller, Kleinfeld 504). The second step is sequencing the genre pieces in a way that makes it easier for the audience to follow or understand. The following step should be titling the project in way that relays the message of my topic. Next, I should make a statement that I want expressed through each genre. Finally, I should express my genres in creative ways. All these steps are beneficial because it gives me an outline that I could follow to design my project. So, even though I was worried about the design of my project before reading this I now have more confidence about heading into the final project.


This website is where I make all my post for ENC 2135

My name is Austin. I'm from a small town in Ohio and I am currently studying at Florida State University.

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